Thursday, 29 December 2011

Plot 5 at it's worst, possibly.

I promised I'd take some photos of the plot as it looks now, without the wood bits around the raised beds and the tiered step up etc.  I'm sure there is a proper name other than 'wood bits' but anyhow, I'm sure you know what I mean.

 So on this photo you can see where the 'timber' was.
(you see that, how I have tried to make it sound like I know what I'm talking about?!)
...and also where I've weeded.

On Wednesday we had a lovely sunny morning and seeing as I had no children for the day I dashed down to the plot and got stuck in for an hour. Now I know it doesn't appear like I got much done, but what I did I enjoyed.  I'm determined to not push myself too hard, and to enjoy the whole idea of allotmenteering as much as I can. For me it's not all about the produce at the end of the season (good job really eh?! As if anything will grow) but about being out in the fresh air and and enjoying wildlife too. More about that soon.

Ever my faithful companion is Basil. Keeping a watchful eye out on the whole proceedings.
You may notice a few wooden pallets, I'm hoping Fin will build a compost bin with them soon. We just need to make some plans and some dry days.

We inherited this with the plot. Not sure what we can do with it for now but I'm sure it'll be useful somehow.  Any ideas?

Now I'm not certain, and we've not tested it or anything posh like that but our soil appears to be lovely.  It's crumbly and dark and smells fresh and earthy (I guess soil generally does smell earthy eh?) so I reckon plants will love it. The soil at home is horrid in comparison.

So, there you have it.

I'm hoping for some scaffolding boards to recreate the raised beds, and some wood chips to make some paths with, fingers crossed they won't cost too much.  Also need to sort out manure for some of the beds too. I knew writing this blog would be a good thing, if only to help me remember things.

Thanks for reading.

Claire. x

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Em told me about your blog. It's looking really good Claire. I can see what you get up to now at your allotment. :0))))

    Lou x x x
