Monday, 2 January 2012

Ohhh my aching bones! ...and legs, and arms, and oh everything!

After spending all afternoon on the plot digging and weeding, bending and stretching I am now rather sore. A hot bath seems to have eased my aching limbs a little but we'll see how I am tomorrow eh?

Unfortunately I didn't take my camera and the sunshine had gone in before I'd finished my work for the day but I took some photos using my phone for me to look back on this evening so I can feel proud of little self.  I'm not sure if I do feel proud or just plain mad spending my precious time playing in dirt.

Right, well if I was to be all posh I'd tell you that today I dug and weeded my soft fruit beds.  But really it's the remains of the previous tenants raspberry canes and strawberry plants along with a whole lot of that blasted buttercup!!!!  Grrrrrrr....!  To come across the odd Dandelion was welcome relief.

You can see how the plot is sloping and how steps/tiers have been created previously.  I'm hoping that the soil will keep it's shape until I can replace the timber and therefore work with the old design of the plot. I see no point in changing it and anything to help me organise the space is welcome.  With having children and children like my boys the neater it is the easier it will be in the long run and I've more chance of us sticking with this allotment lark if ease is top of the list.

Unfortunately, the pathways between the beds are in terrible shape!  In the Summer this plot had grassy paths between the raised beds (I have photos to prove it!) As you will see from the next photo it'll take a lot for these paths to recover...

Grass means maintenance in the form of a petrol strimmer on this site and I don't have one and don't want to give time to this chore if I'm honest. So wood chip over a membrane is planned, but only if muchas cheapas via a friend of a friend.  There is a plan hatching regarding that so lets see how it unfolds, my blog shall be the first to know, I promise.

Now then, it seems most, well OK, I'd like to say half, maybe a third, ha ha(!) of the plot weeded and organised. The next photo is showing my worst area.  Yeah OK, I know, I'm so lucky. It's a smashing little plot to get started on, no more work than that of someone who has had their plot for decades really. I just really hope that I can do it justice.

Things to organise/source:
Shed (including flags for the base)
Manure (lots!)
Wood chippings
Membrane for paths
Something to sit on!

Before I go let me tell you that plans for building our compost bin (x2) are afoot!
If you want to see how I'm planning on doing it have a peep at this

The posh hinged doors this lady makes are probably a step too far for me, but I thought I'd share how easy it is using cable ties.

Thanks for reading.

Claire. x


  1. My fault you spent so long there? Lets have a race!

    Abandoned carpets make good cheap underlay and weedmatting (or lino) upside down, will hold back the weeds for a while.

    I didn't think your "worst area" looked too bad. Maybe I have rosetinted glasses, maybe you can borrow them! Might just be the photo, but haven't those beds still got their sides?

  2. Yes, I blame you completely and NO I don't want to race, you're good at it and know what you're doing for a start, me, well I'm just bumbling along.

    I know, the worst area is good isn't it? ;o) I'm spoilt me.

    The beds have no sides :o( the chap had screwed them in so it must have been easy removal for him, hence the soil is in place thank goodness. Not sure I'll make as good a job as he. x
