Monday, 2 January 2012

Todays wildlife spotting.

I think from now on I'm going to call these kind of posts
If it's good enough for Spring/Autumnwatch then it's more than good enough for me.
The part of Kate Humble shall be played by my good self, hee hee!!  I wish!!

Right, well as I'm working away I hear a noise from above and I spy 5 (yes FIVE)

(click here)

(image STOLEN from Google images)

I sat and watched them circling above me for a while and I started to feel like a character in a Disney film when they're lost in the dessert and the Vultures start appearing, ha ha!  They're fairly common in Cheshire where I live as the link to the BBC nature website above will tell you.

Saw none of my furry friends today, only Basil.

Claire. x


  1. love the amount of wildlife you've got round you! We had a HUGE rabbit (probably a hare) in our plot, so that answers the question of why people are putting fences round individual beds!

    Our old allotment had pheasants and geese and overlooked standing stones!

  2. Ooooh now a Hare would be fab! But not eating my gear thank you very muchly. x
